www.ALEPHTECHNOLOGY.com; call 416.944.9730

“Turning Liturgy 

into Functional Art”

We offer custom siddurim, scholar/artist-in-residence workshops for teachers/students and congregations and fine liturgical posters for religious schools, studies, or synagogues.

Welcome to ALEPH Technology. 

We are experts in desktop publishing bilingual (Hebrew and English) documents. As a senior Jewish educator, we bring our expertise in making prayer come alive on the page through creative graphic design solutions and liturgical posters. ALEPH Technology also creates attractive marriage ketubot and papercuts. We also offer workshops and seminars as artist/scholar-in-residence for schools and congregations. 

WORK OF HEART PRAYERBOOKS produces innovative, attractive and professional prayerbooks for schools, camps, congregations or organizations. A siddur that connects worshippers to the words and ideas of the prayers helps make the worship experience personal and meaningful. We are happy to include student artwork, and work closely with our clients, including teachers and students. 

Click here to see samples from The Leo Baeck Siddur.

Work of Heart Prayerbooks specializes in providing unique and creative graphic design solutions for liturgical publications for all ages. 

    ▪    Develop a custom siddur for your congregation, school, or camp.

    ▪    Make prayer more accessible and meaningful with an attractive and cost-effective siddur.

    ▪    Work with a professional Jewish educator to translate your vision into a creative graphic design.

We are also happy to work with families who require a smaller prayer booklet for a family bar/bat mitzvah.

The video below demonstrates how we have used graphic design to illustrate prayers and the prayerbook’s structure to make liturgy more meaningful and help the worshipper connect personally with the prayers’ meaning.